Welcome Our First Rescue of 2022!

January 6, 2022

�NEWBIE ALERT!� Everyone say hello to our first rescue of 2022 – Loki!❤

Loki was surrendered to the shelter after his guardian passed away, and now this 10 year old Yorkie/Norwich terrier mix gets the chance to live out his golden years Young at Heart style.

The little goof is as sweet as pie, and he is pretty excited about the changes. He is taking it all like a champ, with a persistent wag of his tail as staff trickle in & out to say their hellos. He is a Very Good Boy and knows “sit” & “stay,” and he is already using piddle pads without issue. Loki is one smart cookie! As far as we know, he lived with another dog and likes kids, but we will get to see his true colors in due time. His teeth most definitely need some help, so there is a dental in his future. He will see the vet next week for a senior blood panel & exam so that we can get a better picture of this cutie pie’s health. In the mean time, Loki will be receiving lots of snuggles, delicious meals, and cozy blankets to get him through these colder days.

Please note that we are not accepting inquiries or applications on this newbie just yet.

Welcome to the good life, Loki! �

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