

Breed: Grey & White
Age: 12

Sponsor Waffles

Waffles came to us from a local shelter, a beautiful but incredibly shy senior kitty. Her shyness was so severe that even in a loving foster home, she wouldn’t allow herself to be touched for almost 4 months. It was obvious that moving this sweet girl was never going to be in her best interest, and so she joined our Sanctuary program. It took a year before Waffles would sit near her sanctuary family and two years before she’d sleep in bed with them (but only when she thought they were asleep!). She’s now been in her sanctuary home for over five years, and she has made huge strides in trusting people. She lets herself be petted now, watches tv on the arm of the chair or back of the couch, just out of reach but near enough to be happy, and has a very special bond with her sanctuary mom. The days of the shutdown during the pandemic actually made Waffles brave enough to venture downstairs in her home during the day while the entire family was home (she would usually only do so at night when she thought everyone was asleep), and a whole new world opened up for her. Waffles now explores her Sanctuary home like a big brave kitty, enjoying the company of her Sanctuary Family, and she will never have to worry about adjusting to a new life ever again.

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