Breed: Chihuahua Age: 12 Years
Please note, I am not available for adoption, as I am a part of Young at Heart’s Sanctuary Program due to my complex medical needs.
Hi there! I’m Herman, the most adorable, dapper little dude! I am a part of Young at Heart’s Sanctuary program due to having a very significant heart murmur with valve disease and pulmonary hypertension. I see a cardiologist and take meds to help me stay comfortable so I can enjoy life to the fullest. And to the fullest I definitely do! I love my sanctuary home! I get to go for stroller rides and field trips and am spoiled silly. I love to snuggle and am so happy whenever I get to just be with my family (humans and dogs!) because they love me so very much! What a great life for a little ol’ chihuahua like me! My sanctuary family takes care of me while Young at Heart provides all of my medical care so that I can enjoy the love and comfort of a family in my golden years.
Be a hero and Sponsor Me to help cover the cost of caring for me for life! Click the button above. Fill out the donation form, and then on the last page you’ll be able to scroll down to “Herman” in the list of pets to sponsor me! With your sponsorship, you will receive a card, photograph, and note from yours truly!