An Angel Gets His Wings

May 28, 2024

Friends, our spunky, demanding, sweet little 23-1/2 year old energizer bunny, Cooper, left this world this morning. But oh how Cooper left this world a legend who stole the hearts of people all over the world.��

Cooper came to us at the age of 22 years old when his guardian unexpectedly passed away, leaving behind he and two other senior dogs. The neighbors had known all three dogs their whole lives, and took wonderful care of them while desperately hoping to find someone who could take them in. Their guardian had had no other family except her sweet senior pups, and she had loved them dearly. Young at Heart rescued all three senior pups, and then spent weeks getting all three the veterinary care they needed and getting them settled in here.

Cooper’s 13-year-old housemates, Maverick and Jack, found a wonderful home with a repeat adopter of ours. But every time Cooper had someone interested in meeting him, he would have a medical issue and we’d have to postpone while we nursed him back to health again. From recurring urinary tract infections, to a wicked eye ulcer that would lead to his eye needing to be removed, to tummy issues galore (and a whole lot of medical needs in between!), Cooper was carried across the parking lot to our own vet clinic multiple times a week at times, which was extra lucky for him, because Cooper HATED car rides! He would yell his fool head off the ENTIRE ride to make sure you knew it, too! It quickly became obvious that with all of the medical care he needed, he would forever become a part of our Sanctuary Program. We were his forever family and we loved him like crazy. �

Cooper made friends all over the world when his TikTok video went viral, and he was featured in Newsweek as well for his advanced age, and then again for his 23rd birthday party. Pet lovers from all over the world rallied behind Coop, wishing him peace, love, and longevity. He didn’t let the fame go to his head though – well, he mostly didn’t. �He liked to demand whatever he wanted when he wanted it and he did loudly and until you gave in – and we always catered to whatever he wanted, because he deserved it. And for the last year and a half, Coop has ruled the roost in the Littles’ Room, and stolen hearts of everyone who met him.

There were times it really seemed Coop might live forever. He certainly lived as long as he did because of the collective love and care of his YAH family, and because of the community around the world that kept Coop in their hearts. He was a lucky boy to be cherished and cared for by so many.

Coopy, we’re going to miss you endlessly. We will miss your little old man gimp when you walk. We’ll miss seeing your tongue adorably hang from the side of your mouth. We’ll miss your one-eyed stares and your demanding barks at lunch time. We’ll miss your joyful hobbles in Peaches Meadow. We will miss walking into the Littles Room and seeing you curled up in your giant bed, looking like a little lamb. Young at Heart is going to feel a bit too quiet and too empty without your big, sassy, and spunky presence.�

Fly free, sweet Cooper. You’ve earned your angel wings.��

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